วันเสาร์ที่ 2 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Asmirandah : Lovely Indonesian Girl

AsmirandahThere's no business like showbusiness, ..LOL., thats classic. In indonesia, the hotest competition recently is telecomunicatin business, so lets talk about that. With eleven operators, this business turn in to real competition. Naturally, high barrier business will turn it in to monopoly practice, but indonesian Telecomunication is an exception.

AsmirandahTelecomunication advertisement showed everywhere. Poster, billboard, and many more. From all, i like the Indosat adv very much, not because its so creative or what. Just because it endorser. Her name is Asmirandah. Many times i almost got accident while driving coused by her big photo on billboard or baliho. Feel that i loss something if not seeing that adv... Beauty can be dangerous, though..., curious about Asmirandah?

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